The Void

I was feeling a btit down, so I decided to write and see what would come out.

A black void slowly filled with more and more things. None of these things are useful or of value. They are but junk. Broken toys, faded photo’s, all manner of objects that no longer fulfill their function. And in the center of it all is me. I sit, I watch, sometimes I walk between them. Looking, never touching. Afraid to hasten their decay. But even so, they decay all the same.

Time goes by and more objects arrive, yet the void is never full. There is always more space, more eternity to fill. And here they all sit, objects forgotten by time, by the world, wasting away, unused and unloved.

But then I find an object that fasinates me. It is broken like the rest, but even so, it is beautiful. How someone could throw this away, let alone forget it, is beyond me. Such simple, yet elegant beauty and still such perfect function. Suddenly I realize that it is exactly like all the other objects in the void. This does not tarnish its beauty, but shows the beauty in all the others. They are forgotten by all, but they are still here, with me in the void.

And so I build, I create. I use the objects lost to the world and rearrange them, pose them, give them new meaning. They become useful and desired again. And even though more objects keep joining me in the void, I do not despair. I return to them what they returned to me: Purpose.

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